Mind Body Spirit Breath
Amy Stein
Healing often gets painted as this complex, daunting process, but here's the truth...the body wants simple and slow to not cause more overwhelm. The constant doing, researching protocols and trying all of the things can create more of what you don’t want.
I was taught that the only person who could hear me was someone who wore a lab coat and went to medical school. The irony was at my sickest I wore a lab coat and couldn't fix myself.
I used to think that something simple wouldn’t work and that healing needed to be hard in order for me to regain my life and health back. And in many ways I made the process harder on myself than it needed to be…can you relate?
I know how it can feel really overwhelming when you are searching online for what will help you feel better. When you think all of the answers lie outside of you…you can expend a lot of energy researching and not healing.
There’s a lot of information out there and a lot of it is shiny and expensive which makes it seem like it’s better than something that is simple, cheap or even free.
Use Breathwork to Ease Pain & Symptoms to Heal Your Body
Why Doing Something Simple Works Better?
Intentional breathing that facilitates healing on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and energetic.
It's not hyperventilating or holding your breath until you pass out.
Instead its about allowing a connection to be re-established between the structured mind and the wisdom that lies within the physical body.
Breathwork is an ancient healing modality that has been proven to work for healing and well being for thousands of years.
It can easily help with so many different things. The main one I use it for is for the continued healing of chronic pain and disease.
How Does Breathwork Help With
Chronic Pain & Disease?
When you hold your breath to avoid an experience, sensation, or emotion it creates stuck energy.
When numbed, held in and not felt these emotions and sensations become stagnant in your system and can lead to illness and disease.
This is what causes the pain, not the emotion or sensation you may fear.​​​
Breathwork allows the healing process to occur naturally without the re-telling or re-living of a story or past experience.
The body is much smarter than its given credit for-it's built to heal.
Through​ Breathwork you can shift your body from a fight, flight, freeze state into a restful and healing place.
Deliberate breathwork is an ancient practice that supports the physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic body.
​The Most Common Benefits of Breathwork
Enhanced connection to your intuition
The ability to shift your physiology
Work with your body's wisdom rather than against it
Immediate stress reduction & anxiety relief-because everyone needs this right
Connection with your emotions & the ability to change your response to them-huge for healing...
Revitalizes your organs-Who wouldn't want this?​
Gives you access to your higher power, higher self and intuition-a game changer for me, someone who wasn't spiritual at all​
Reduces toxins in your body & provides an energetic release-just breathing can do this???? Yes it can!!​
More energy & mental clarity-Who can say no to this??​
Deepens your relationship to your body-so important for healing chronic pain and other symptoms from disease​
Releases trauma that has been stuck in your system for years-YES!!! Without telling a story even once or naming the issue-this is how smart your body is
If you want to learn more about breathwork click on this audio below where I describe the most common questions I receive. I also explain why my personalized approach may be different from others you've tried before.
How Do I Know That This Will Work for My Situation?
There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to calm your nervous system. But studies have shown the benefits of breathwork with anxiety, chronic pain and other related conditions.
Breathwork sessions emphasize the importance of you knowing your body better than anyone else.
You are ready to embrace, easy, effective and cheap. You've been breathing since birth and now you can experience the positive impact intentional breathing can have on your symptoms and pain without having to leave the house for another doctor appointment.
Breathwork allows you to build trust back with your body and stop viewing it as the enemy. ​
Simple approaches, like breathwork actually work better than more complicated ones. More isn't better in most things in life, especially healing.
​For long lasting healing something different is needed to establish a new relationship with your body; breathwork creates long-lasting health and relief rather than short-term “fixes”.​
You’re tired of spinning your wheels and want to break the cycle of ineffective treatments.
You’re ready for an approach that make a real difference in how you feel, every day.
You're someone who's tried all of the things and still feels like they are missing something
You are ready to get your life and health back. You are open to trying new avenues for healing to occur.
You understand the need to heal past trauma and realize that telling the same story over and over again doesn’t work.
Does This Sound Like You???
Unable to relax and let go of things-even those seemingly "not a big deal" events
Difficulty sleeping or staying asleep
Trouble with concentration
The feeling of being wired but tired
Sensitivity to lights, smells or sounds
Can't tolerate supplements or has reactions to foods
Startles easily
Inability to Meditate or Rest
"Feels Numb From the Neck Down"
Attachment to past trauma & want to break the cycle of telling the same story over & over again
Chronic Pain & Injury that doesn't go away no matter what you try
Negative thought cycles and negative stuck emotions
Coping skills that don't work anymore
Lack of energy & vitality, lack of motivation to get out of bed or off the couch
Feel "Down in the Dumps" more times than not
Desire to feel calmer and less overwhelmed by life
The good news is that Breathwork can help with all of this!
During breathwork you can:
Shift your physiology
Take back your power over the moment, (which is all you really have)
Choose something different that can work with your body rather than against it
Listen to a sample of a breathwork session here:
Breathwork Can Help
When Other Things Haven't Before
​Your nervous system needs balance to work well and help your body to heal.
When your nervous system becomes dysregulated, it has a hard time switching from a sympathetic state (fight, flight, or freeze) to a parasympathetic state (rest, digest, and heal).
The simple act of intentional breathing makes the shift automatically without you having to do anything.
You may actually become stuck in a functional freeze state which is why "standardized" protocols and programs didn't work for you.​​
And both branches of your nervous system can’t both be turned on at the same time. Your body will choose survival and "fight" over healing every time living in the modern day world.
If your sympathetic nervous system is stuck on all of the time, you can't rest and heal. ​
​Breathwork is a great first step in creating a partnership with your body to reinstate healing.
What’s your refund policy?
Please see our Terms and Conditions here
What if I haven’t (or have) been diagnosed?
As long as you are open to making the holistic lifestyle shifts suggested you will see a difference in your pain and symptom levels. No matter what disease you have or haven’t been called there is a root cause(s) of why your body is not at optimal health.
Do you take insurance?
​Insurance is not accepted
Why should I trust you over my doctor?
Doctors are only taught to cure and treat symptoms with a pill or a procedure. The emphasis is not on prevention or addressing the body as a whole. This approach focuses on the root cause and discovering WHY you are sick. Prevention is key!
Is this a medical service?
Please see our disclaimer about the services offered here.
Will I be pain and symptom free?
The promise I can make you is that if you implement the changes suggested in our time together you will have less pain and symptoms. Pain is the body’s way of getting your attention so you will always have this sensation as long as you are in a physical body. But the current pain you have now will not be at the same intensity or duration once you implement the tools I show you. I can't do it for you but I can do it with you.
Do you offer payment plans?
Monthly payment plans are available upon request