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Do I Really Have Stuck Emotions??


Updated: Aug 21, 2024

“Bless that thing that broke you down and cracked you open

because the world needs you open.”

~Rebecca Campbell

I know when I first heard about the idea of stuck emotions I dismissed it as some of that woo woo stuff. I like many others didn't trust in that which I couldn't see. It was easier to scoff at these ideas as pseudo science and to keep researching real science and medicine.

This was over a decade ago and I didn't know then what I know now. I now understand how important it is to process the emotions that are coming up for my own sanity and well being. I also now realize and can comprehend that there is no cookie cutter approach for healing from any chronic condition. There are many variables that need to be addressed and it takes an approach that applies to all aspects of the system; one of them being emotional healing.

I didn't realize that I was walking around numb from the neck down. Or pushing down my emotions in order to keep the peace or be liked with friends and at work.

I didn't realize that this was my body's way of speaking to me.

And I had no idea that if these emotions and sensations weren't felt and processed by my system that they would create stuck energy in my body that would create more pain and late chronic illness.

Did you grow up in a family who kept pushing the problems under the metaphorical rug until people began tripping over the pile and then had to walk around the mountain it became?

Maybe instead you grew up with a family who communicated by yelling...but did you ever feel heard in this dynamic? You learn by actions and if others aren't feeling their emotions or are blowing up over small occurrences these are all patterns you observe and integrate into your daily behavior as you grow up. Remember the system is only concerned with your survival. It doesn't care if you are happy or healthy or well adjusted.

Or perhaps you grew up hearing that children should be seen and not heard; or that boys don't cry; or I'll give you something to cry about.

All of these sayings are destructive to your whole systems and create children who aren't able to express themselves without fear of retribution. These children then grow up into adults who operate numb from the neck down because they believe their emotions and sensations will get them into trouble. It was reinforced that having feelings and sensations didn't benefit them or keep them safe so they shut down and choose to numb out instead.

When love is shown by making fun of someone, shaming them or putting them down it creates a disruption to the flow of energy and the balance of your system. This reason is why many adults are so easily triggered, are people pleasers or are walking around like a zombie because of the fear of what will happen if you feel your emotions or sensations. This is not abnormal, in fact it is quite normal in Western society but it isn't healthy.

Here are some signs that you have stuck emotions in your body

  • chronic fatigue or low energy no matter how long you sleep

  • digestion issues and stomach pain

  • persistent muscle tension or pain

  • frequent headaches and migraines

  • difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep or waking

  • feeling emotionally numb or disconnected from life

  • overreacting to "minor" stressors

  • feeling stuck in negative thought patterns

  • struggling with self worth or self-esteem

  • having a sense of heaviness that won't go away

I don't know about you but I've experienced all of these most of my life. I thought it was normal because I didn't know any different. Now I do and I want to assist others in doing the work to heal themselves and future generations. To break the ancestral cycles of sucking it up and following what someone else tells you to do. My approach isn't therapy and you don't need to repeat the same stories over and over again. In fact it's helpful to not talk but instead to feel and sense into your body to see what it needs.

I can't promise you that this will all go away overnight. What I can promise you is that if you show up for yourself and take response ability to you can make progress on these struggles. Symptoms can diminish and resolve. Life can seem less scary and more even keeled.

What I've discovered over the past decade wasn't something I learned in school or from any doctor. It was information I gathered from hundreds of books, thousands of hours of research and multiple courses of study in Ancient Healing systems. When you work with me I offer support and insights from someone who has been there and is still doing the work every day. It isn't easy and many times I find myself wanting to hide under the covers.

But I believe I am worthy of feeling healthy and whole. And I believe this for you too.

Want to find out more about my approach?

Set up your call here

To less pain and greater well being,



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