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How Can We Transition Easier in Life Each Day??


When the seasons shift it is a physical and visual reminder of transitions and how we can flow or resist with them. It is another aspect of life we don't have control over, but we can control how we respond and react to what is happening around us. This is only what we really have control over anyway, because change is the only constant.

Mother Nature is a great model in all ways of how to flow and adjust with what comes up in life. She excels with transitions, although She may drag Her feet a bit. In the end She allows the changes to occur however they are meant to. When we watch HER daily SHE demonstrates Her resilience to whatever is thrown at her.

In November, the air is much cooler and drier. We've put the garden to rest and gathered the last of the abundance. Leaves are almost done turning and there is a crispness and an anticipation to be experienced. Days are growing shorter and the nights longer and we are spending more time inside than out. In a climate with four seasons, the shift can be readily apparent and very visual and it becomes a reminder to turn within.

Now is a great time to begin planning or envisioning how you want to transition into the

winter time, because it will be here before you know it; with all of the trappings and stress of the holiday season. We can't predict everything that might happen but we can build resilience in our whole being. Make note of what activities resource you so that you can focus on doing those more. Remember the "TO DO" list never ends so practice being aware of what is a "must" and what is "if I have time".

During the winter especially it can be easier to foster and strengthen the quality over quantity mentality. But these skills are needed all year round. Start to work on creating your strong foundation now in order to set your future self up for less stress and heartache. How we choose to approach anything in life whether it be hardships or desires is all about the energetic vibe.

We are energetic and electric beings composed of mental, physical, mental and spiritual components. When you begin to recognize your energy level, (output and input) on a day to day basis you can choose wiser options. When you address and honor all parts of you the next step forward becomes clearer.

From moment to moment our transitions can become more seamless and less stressful when we practice awareness and build resilience. How are you choosing to transition for the last few months of 2023? What can you take from Mother Nature in how to smoothly adjust and accept what is?

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